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Reading accessible books

Want to read on an iPad, want to learn more about Dolphin EasyReader or modify a book into a word document that is as accessible as possible. Your questions about reading the books you download from RNIB Bookshare are answered here.

Get started with reading

Ways to read

Read with Dolphin EasyReader

Reading with Dolphin EadyReader accessible reading app is the quickest and easiest way to start reading RNIB Bookshare titles

Reading with an iPad

Apple products including iPads nad iPhones have built in accessibility features and are an easy way to read

Reading on a computer and laptop

Great when using a learners access technology to read.

Reading with audio

A great option to be able to add choice to a learners way to access reading materials.

Reading with Kindle

A free reading app or tool that some schools and services use.

Reading in Braille

Reading with either embossed or electroinc braille

Creating a Print book

If you want to create a hard copy, physical book in a learners preferred format.

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