Converting PDF's into other formats
RNIB Bookshare titles are available in various file formats, we do ask publishers for all available formats. The format of the title you need is provided at the publishers choice. One of the most common is PDF format, it is always an accessible PDF, that is 'text regonisable' as a minimum. This means it can be used with access technology, and on conversion the text will be extracted.
PDF's can be tricky to convert into another format, and sofware usually not freely available. The following are 'paid for' software that is widely used:
Using PDF's electronically
Where the title cannot be converted into the learners preferred format, it can be provided in an electronic PDF file to be used with various apps (such as Dolphin EasyReader), access technology, readers on tablets, phones and PC's.
For instance it could be used with 'Zoom' or 'VoiceOver' on an iPAd oe iPhone in iBooks, or JAWS text to speech software, or on a braille reader.