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You can read our books using a variety of compatible reading tools and choose from two book formats, BRF (braille ready format) or DAISY.

Reading braille with the Braille Ready Format (BRF)

Most of RNIB Bookshare books are available in BRF. English language books can be accessed in contracted or uncontracted braille, in either Unified English Braille (UEB) or English Braille, American Edition (EBAE). If a book is available in BRF, the BRF option will be shown in the file format dropdown list, for more specifics see our help article: How do I download BRF? Options to adjust the braille size and format are in the Download Preferences under: BRF Size and Format, and Braille Grade.

What is BRF?

BRF (Braille Ready Format) is an electronic text file that is transcribed into braille. You will need specialised software or hardware that can open and read BRF files. Note that most devices will not recognise BRF automatically. Most users either open the BRF file in a software program, like Duxbury, which allows them to view, edit, or emboss the book, or transfer the file to a braille note taker.

Setting up BRF on RNIB Bookshare

Before downloading a BRF file, we recommend setting up your RNIB Bookshare download preferences. Your reading tool may already have built-in settings that can help you decide which preferences work best for you.

To set your preferences, log in to RNIB Bookshare and go to "My RNIB Bookshare,” then “My Account.” From here, select “Edit Preferences,” where you will find two BRF options.

BRF size and format

Set your line length. Braille displays and embossers can show varying numbers of cells per line. If you download a file with line length set differently from that of your device, the braille you read may not display well.

Braille grade

Set whether you want contracted (grade 2) or uncontracted (grade 1) braille, as well as selecting Unified English Braille (UEB) or English Braille, American Edition (EBAE).

Reading braille with DAISY

If a book is not available in BRF, or if your device does not support BRF, you may be able to use other file formats and view them in braille if you have access to a braille display. DAISY can provide some additional benefits primarily in increased options for navigation, and will use the device's braille transcription function to provide the output.

Common ways to access braille files

  • Downloading braille files
  • Embossing books
  • BrailleNote Notetaker
  • Braille Sense Notetaker
  • Braille on iOS

Using the braille code

  • Using UEB subject guides

Why use braille


braille text with hand of a child scanning it

Other resources

Images Central

Accessible images (sometimes known as 'Tactile images') can be read by print-disabled learners either by touch or by sight We have thousands of images, so there is something to interest everyone.

Braille teaching resources

Braille and Moon reading schemes.

RNIB Maths Braille Certificate

This distance-learning course is aimed at sighted learners who have completed the RNIB Certificate in Contracted Braille (UEB) and would like to learn braille basic maths.

RNIB braille courses

RNIB braille resources can help anyone learn to read braille easily

RNIB Library

The RNIB Library is the largest of its kind in the UK, and it's completely free, with over 60,000 items in the collection: Audio, Braille, Music – there is so much to access, borrow and enjoy.

RNIB Newsagent

If you want to keep up with the day’s headlines, or simply want to enjoy your free time relaxing with your favourite magazine in an accessible format, look no further than RNIB Newsagent.

RNIB Shop - braille

Everything braille-related: courses for adults and children, primers or stationery. Find the perfect labelling solution with our audio, braille, clear print, colour and tactile labelling products.


A postal lending library of children’s books in print and braille, and tactile books. Clearvision lend books within the UK and Ireland.